Tradenet Review – Is It Legit Funded Trading Account Provider?

Don’t buy Tradenet courses before you read my review here! Know everything about funded account and chat room of Tradenet.

Online trading is rapidly transforming many people’s lives. It is now possible for people to make thousands of US dollars in a day without even going out.

tradenet trading review

If you are still wondering what the new buzz is all about, then you need to visit where you will get information about online trading.

Tradenet has become a popular source of information about online trading where hundreds of thousands of people seek tips on how to trade stocks online. We will write a full review of this site and determine whether it is worthy or not.

My Honest Review of The Tradenet

This review will cover all the things you need to know about Tradenet to make a decision on whether to use the services offered here or not.

Tradenet is an educational organization centered on helping people to gain knowledge about online stock trading. The mission of this organization is to equip people with the skills needed for active online trading.

Apart from being an educational tool, Tradenet also collaborate with an investments firm (TEFS) that provides Tradenet’s students the opportunity to trade on a funded sub-account.

Users from all over the world can use the educational tool and the trading platform.

Other review factors are:

Payout: TEFS has a friendly payout system that allows its Traders to claim the amount of money earned at any point in time. Payouts are done by a wire transfer. It is 100% secure and safe way.

Fees: The fees vary depending on the type of program a student is using. TEFS platform trading fees are $0.0075 per share with $1.5 minimum per ticket.

Chat room: The site has an active chat room that allows its users to ask questions and seek suggestions regarding their trades. The chat room is broadcasting live in all market opening times (from opening till closing).

Pros and Cons

The Pros:

  • The educational materials provided are very useful for an online trader
  • Secure payment and payout options.
  • No delays in payouts
  • No limit to making money
  • Full time online support
  • Different types of programs to suit the varying needs of the population

The Cons:

  • You share profits with TEFS
  • It is expensive to buy Tradenet

Generally, the pros are many compared to the cons, hence, a wise consideration to try using the program.

Funded Trading Account

Funded trading accounts are programs that enable users to apply a specified amount of money to trade with and share the profits with TEFS on the agreed percentage. For example, you can apply for a $14,000 funded trading account, which will give you 70% of the net profits while the remaining 30% goes to TEFS. You can try a Tradenet coupon to join their program at a discount price.

Courses and Package Price

There are different courses with different package prices attached to them. Here they are:

  1. Intro Program

This is the basic course that allows you to apply for a funded trading account with $14,000.

The price of this package is $500. []

  1. Student Program

This course allows you to apply for $80,000 in a funded trading account.

The price of the package is $3,000. []

  1. Expert Program

Users of this program are eligible for a $160,000 funded trading account.

The price of the package is $6,000. []

  1. Pro Program

As a user of the pro program, you will be able to apply for a $240,000 funded trading account.

The price of this package is $9,000. []

As evident, the prices of the packages vary and so are the features. Therefore, you should pick a package that suits your needs well to have a great trading experience. Please share your own Tradenet review or experience by adding your valuable comment here.

Originally posted 2018-12-04 11:05:03.